Another Year of Outstanding A Level Results for Devon’s Outstanding College

A level students and staff at Exeter College have recorded another year of outstanding A level results with today's announcement of a 99.4% pass rate.

Over 900 students from across Exeter, Devon and Torbay received their A2 results today at the college – a 5% increase on the previous year – and almost a half have achieved the high grades A*, A and B grades, enabling them to progress to top universities in the future.

With these results Exeter will continue to rank amongst the country's top Sixth Form Colleges as one of the largest and most successful A level centres in the southwest. The college celebrated 100% pass rates in 30 of its 39 A level subjects. The college also recorded an increase in the pass rate and high grades rate for its AS students which means that it is ideally placed for the linear A level reforms coming into effect in the future.

The college’s students recorded particular strengths in the key facilitating academic subjects with 62% of English Literature students and 61% of Maths students gaining the impressive high grades of A*, A or B which are demanded by the top universities. Spanish A2 results illustrated the strength of the modern foreign languages subjects at the college with 88% of students amassing the high grades whilst 59% of Fine Art students and 63% of Music students recorded the high academic grades showing the breadth of subjects and success at the college.

The A level results announced today follow the high academic success of the college’s International Baccalaureate results announced earlier in the summer with, for the first time in the college’s history, a student achieving the highest possible score of 45 out of 45 points in the internationally recognised and demanding qualification, where only 0.3% of students worldwide achieve this phenomenal result.

Richard Atkins, Principal said, “Today’s results are exceptional. We are particularly proud of the number of students getting the very high grades that are in such demand. These results are a timely reminder of the hard work of our students and staff, which means that our students are ideally placed to progress to the UK’s top competitive universities as well as taking up exciting and challenging job opportunities.”

Commenting on the significant successes in particular subjects, Richard Atkins continued, “We are delighted with the results across the college but the Maths and Science results particularly endorses our decision to invest in this crucial curriculum area with the development of an A level Maths and Science Centre in the heart of the city due to open this year, complementing our existing partnership with the University of Exeter on the Exeter Mathematics School which opened last year. I am also delighted to see that students from such a wide range of previous schools have been so successful here at the college with over 40 of them with straight A* and A grades ranging from Coombeshead in Newton Abbot to Pilton and Park Schools in Barnstable and from QECC in Crediton to Tiverton – all excelling regardless of the travel journey times to college – as well as over 20 students from our partner Exeter secondary schools.”

Emma Fielding, the College’s Assistant Principal responsible for A levels said, “I am very impressed with these results. Students here at Exeter College join both an academically rich programme and can take additional opportunities such as the Extended Project which, with a record of 79% A*, A or B grades this year, greatly enhances their chances in the race for the top university places. We also have a very strong enrichment programme that helps students test out new interests, community activities and skills that are an essential part of preparing them for their university and career applications. Our dedicated progression teams and tutors have worked with A level, vocational and Access to HE students throughout the year to support their next steps into employment or higher education and we hope that these excellent results will mean our students can fulfil their ambitions whatever they may be.”

“I’d like to congratulate all the students and staff at Exeter College who have worked so hard this year,” said Richard Atkins. “Today is about A level results, but we continue to demonstrate inclusivity through the range of students we attract from across the city and the county as well as the wealth of subjects we offer. It is not only our A level and IB students looking to start new career and education routes but also our level 3 BTEC technical and professional students who are awaiting their results which will be their essential passport to continue on to the universities or employers of their choice. Most importantly today we celebrate with individual students from across Exeter, Devon and Torbay who have fulfilled, and in many cases, exceeded expectations and we wish them all well in the next stage of their careers.“