A young women smiles at the camera wearing a white strappy top.

Exeter College student shortlisted in 2024 National Theatre New Views playwriting competition 

An Exeter College A Level student, Clay Colman, from Chulmleigh, Devon has been shortlisted in this year’s New Views programme, the National Theatre’s annual nationwide playwriting competition for young people.    

Clay, who studies A Levels in Drama and Theatre, Art and Design and English Literature submitted a play called The Kids are Smoking, Again. The script was selected from over 500 submissions from across the UK and will be presented as a rehearsed reading in the Duffield Studio at the National Theatre as part of the New Views Festival on 4-5 July. Alongside six other shortlisted plays, it will be read on Friday 5 July by professional actors for audiences to watch for free. 

New Views is the National Theatre’s nationwide playwriting programme for students aged 14-19. Participating schools and colleges work with a professional playwright to mentor students in writing their own original 30-minute play. 500 plays were submitted for New Views 2024 from 90 schools across the UK.    

The Kids are Smoking, Again follows two generations captured in a moment in time, suffocated by their own internal dialogue, but connected through the same sigh. Each has so much to say but is anyone really listening? 

Speaking on being shortlisted for New Views 2024, Clay said; 

“I am beyond grateful to have this opportunity to see my work staged as a reading! It has been a thrill to work with eager creative minds: exploring, experimenting and developing our pieces as a team- playing with ideas and challenging each other to freely follow ambitions. New Views, have opened a door and pushed me to pursue my aspirations!” 

Clay’s play was shortlisted by a panel of judges from across the industry. The seven shortlisted plays are open to the public to watch for free and include themes of LGBTQIA+ relationships, AI, community, war, mental health and online safety. 

Rufus Norris, Director of the National Theatre, said; 

“I am so excited to be supporting this year’s New Views writers in my final year at the National Theatre. New Views is a wonderful platform for young people across the UK to be empowered to share their perspective on topical issues as well as develop their creativity and writing skills, helping to nurture the next generation of theatre makers and writers while encouraging creative self-expression in whatever they choose to do in life.” 

Clay was able to access this opportunity through the Exeter College Performing Arts Academy. This is a stretch and challenge programme for performing arts students where the aim is to introduce students to ‘line of sight’ opportunities. This year this has led to the College exploring a partnership with the National Theatre and ‘New Views’.