Star students shine at annual awards ceremony

Academic brilliance, vocational excellence, determination and sheer hard work were some of the qualities being celebrated in style as 28 students scooped student of the year prizes at the Annual College Student Awards 2013- 2014 ceremony at the Thistle Hotel on January 8th 2105. The award winners, the true stars of the evening, were honoured in the presence of their families, guests including community and business leaders from across Exeter and Devon, sponsors, college staff and Frances Cairncross, former rector of Exeter College, Oxford University, guest of honour.

Presenting the awards to all the winners, Richard Atkins, Principal of Exeter College said ” Congratulations and welcome to all our special award winners and to your families, friends and college tutors who have nominated you for recognition. Tonight we are celebrating our top awards and these illustrate the inclusive, highly academic and strongly vocational nature of our community college. Our student award winners have each contributed to the success Exeter College enjoyed last year and they represent the achievements of thousands of students, young and older, who studied here last year. I congratulate them all on their success and thank our staff for working so hard to enable students to succeed.”

To find out more about the winners and sponsors please visit or to view photos from the event visit our Flick page