City college plans International project with China

Exeter College staff and students will be welcoming a group of teachers and senior managers from the Shanghai Information Technology College next week as part of a British Council funded International Skills Partnership project that will develop the digital multi media curriculum in both partner organisations.

The visit of media staff and curriculum managers from the college in China will see the development of media and animated projects between students in Devon and Shanghai as well as the chance to share good practice and teaching approaches.

“We're looking forward to the visit of our Shanghai colleagues.” said Katie Wild head of media and performing arts “we know that our curriculum needs to recognise that media related employment is developing across international boundaries. I am excited about building international opportunities which will enhance our learners' skills and employability and the collaborative projects and visits will extend the horizons for students and staff from both countries. With the combined skills and resources of the two colleges, both sets of students will have a unique opportunity to develop their expertise, readying them for employment in a global industry.”

The visit, which will agree the details of a film, digital and animated project will also involve the Animated Exeter organization, further cementing the link between Exeter and Shanghai – China's largest city.