Gala evening of AS and BTEC Certificate successes

The college's city centre theatre will be hosting a celebration event this week to honour the achievements and successes of the wide range of AS and Level 3 BTEC Certificate students at the college as they continue their studies for a second year.

Family, friends, college staff and governors will join the 31 award winners, nominated from seven faculties by their tutors and faculties, for the categories of academic excellence, contribution to their faculty, outstanding progress, tutee of the year or the overall faculty awards.

As well as the awards presented to the students by Philip Bostock, chair of Governors and John Laramy, Vice Principal, guests at the event will also be entertained as students from the seven faculties showcase a range of skills from dance performances, exciting film sessions, explosive chemistry demonstrations and challenging quizzes.

“We're really looking forward to the event.” said Emma Fielding Assistant Principal “Whilst our AS and BTEC Certificate students continue with us for two years, it is important that we mark their very important achievements at the end of their first year at the college and celebrate their transition from GCSE study at school to the challenges of the A level and BTEC Certificate programmes.

“The event allows us to celebrate the true academic prowess and determination of some of our brightest students as well as equally recognizing the contribution that so many of students make to the success of the college through their involvement in their tutor group, our learner voice programme and their support for others.”

Citations on the evening will include accolades of 'exemplary student' 'sunny disposition and enthusiasm for education' 'committed and punctual student contributing significantly' and 'aincredibly hard working'.

College staff from the faculties of Maths and Science, Art and Design, Humanities, Business and IT, Sport, Leisure and Tourism, English Languages and IB and Media and Performing Arts will join the 100 guests to celebrate the AS and BTEC Certificate students of the year and wish them well as they continue towards their final exams and assessments at the end of this teaching year.