It all starts with an amazing teacher

Andy Waite of Exeter College, Devon, has been announced as a Silver Teaching Award Winner in the category, The Award for FE Lecturer of the Year

Selected from over 20,000 nominations received by the Pearson Teaching Awards in 2014, Andy’s celebration is one of just 55 taking place in schools and colleges across England, Ireland and Wales on Thank a Teacher Day, 16 May 2014, when prestigious Silver Pearson Teaching Awards will be presented to outstanding local heroes of education.

The Pearson Teaching Awards are an annual celebration of exceptional teachers and teaching, founded in 1999 by Lord Puttnam, they recognize the life-changing impact of an inspirational teacher on the lives of the young people they teach.

Pearson awrds group photoAbout Andy Waite

Nominated for this Award by no fewer than 11 of his appreciative students, Andy is a dedicated, gifted and inspirational teacher. His specialist subject area is Travel and Tourism which he teaches with great skill and flair. However, he also inspires his students with confidence, self- belief and the realisation that, if they try, they can achieve success! Teaching Awards judges said, “His personality, energy and enthusiasm shone through all the elements of our visit to the College, and the glowing testimonies from the students, staff and colleagues were extremely impressive, he is an exceptional educationalist”. One grateful ex-student’s nomination read, “I would like to thank Andy Waite for helping me find employment as cabin crew as this is something i have wanted to do for a long time. I finally got my job for Thomas Cook and cannot wait to start flying. I don’t think I could have done it without him. Thank You!!!” Andy is a very deserving winner of this prestigious Award.

Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson, president of the Teaching Awards said, “I am genuinely proud and honoured to be the president of the Teaching Awards. I owe so much of what I’ve done to my fantastic teachers at school and university and it is exciting to join in celebrating what is probably the most important profession of them all.”

Andy WaiteWe are delighted to be celebrating Thank a Teacher Day today with 15 lecturers being recognised for their contribution to outstanding teaching and learning at Exeter College,” said John Laramy, Vice Principal, Exeter College. “The award recipients, who were nominated by students at the college for this prestigious national award, include Andy Waite who, after an assessment visit, has won a Silver Teaching Award in the Further Education Lecturer of the Year Category – he is now being considered for the Gold Award announced in October.”

“The college’s success is driven by many things. We attract hard working and committed students who, working with our professional and dedicated staff in industry standard facilities record exceptional successes each year. At the heart of this success is a focus on teaching and learning across the college, as recognized by our outstanding Ofsted inspection in January. This national accolade recognises Andy’s passion for the success of his students and I feel this is reflected in classrooms and workshops throughout the college and in the community.”

Andy will now join fellow Silver Award winners at the UK final of the Teaching Awards at London’s Guildhall on 26th October, where 10 Silver Award winners will receive a Gold Award. The ceremony will be filmed and broadcast by the BBC.

Rod Bristow, President of Core Markets at Pearson, said: “Everyone can remember a teacher who inspired and challenged them so it's important to say thank you. It is great teaching that makes the biggest difference to learning and that's why great teachers must be recognised”.