Giving the gift of time and attention

I want to say how amazing the first two visits from your students have been. Moira's group on Monday got us off to a flying start at Jack Simpson. The residents and staff were thrilled by the visit and the students chatted away to the residents easily and comfortably. One of the residents told me how polite and gentle they were. It was great to see some residents in the lounge who don’t usually come out of their rooms and really good to see the gentlemen have a massage too. One gentleman had four. He said it was like Christmas had come early.

Yesterday at Barnfield House, Nicky's group worked in a much smaller space. They were amazing too. It was very hot and they were squeezed in like sardines but I only saw smiling faces and there wasn’t a single hint of a grumble. Fantastic! Again the staff pointed how lovely it was to see two of the residents downstairs which was unusual for them. Your students also went into rooms in pairs to see residents who find it difficult to move around. We had carers with them and doors were flung open, but they used their initiative when the cream needed to be in lots of different places at once and they worked on one hand each so the students were always busy. They were friendly, warm and engaging which is tricky to do with some of the residents challenging health problems. When Nicky was filing the nail of a resident who finds life particularly hard, I heard the lady say, “It's a pleasure to have you here”. I can’t even type that without feeling emotional.

So thank you for sharing your fabulous students, for spreading joy, easing joints, giving the gift of time and attention where it is so appreciated.

Best wishes

Joey Lee

Kissing it better Local Area co-ordinator