Aeronautical Engineering takes off for south west teens

Flybe, Europe's leading regional airline, joins high profile education partners to host key Future Engineers' event in Exeter

Flybe and the University of Exeter will again be the centre of attention for the aviation-themed event on Friday 13th September when they bring together 200 teenagers from 20 schools across the region to become aeronautical engineers for the day.

Now in its fourth year, Future Engineers, is jointly organised by Flybe, Europe's largest regional airline, the University of Exeter, Exeter College, the Royal Navy and the Fleet Air Arm Museum. Students taking part in the event will divide their day between Flybe's Engineering Headquarters both at its Training Academy and the New Walker Hangar at Exeter International Airport, and the University's Streatham Campus.

The combined drive to highlight the opportunities open to young people within engineering was the original brainchild of Stephen Payne, QM2 and the Carnival Corporation architect. It has been designed to give students aged 14-17 the opportunity to get up-close to aircraft and their various components and inspire them with hands-on practical learning experiences in encouraging them to consider an engineering career.

The visit to Flybe's state-of-the-art engineering hangar will allow students to meet engineers at work, view the airline's Apprentice Workshops and see Fleet Air Arm displays from the Royal Navy that will enable them to witness first-hand engineering in action and its varied career applications. During their time at Flybe, students will be tested on their ability to construct under carriages from paper and wooden aircraft as they test the robustness of their designs against one another for one of two coveted Flybe Engineering 2013 trophies, designed and constructed by Flybe engineers in the hangar workshops.

Jacqui Hepburn, Director of the Flybe Training Academy, says: “Flybe understands the importance of attracting and retaining a skilled and qualified workforce and is committed to supporting young people, especially those from our local region. We are looking forward to once again showcasing the apprenticeship opportunities we can to offer enthusiastic and talented young people in this exciting field of work.”

Students visiting the University of Exeter will discover more about the science behind aeronautics and aviation, and enjoy a taste of the range of engineering studies available. They will have the opportunity to undertake activities in he University's engineering laboratories and enjoy a viewing in the 3D visualisation suite.

A joint publication produced by Flybe Training Academy, Exeter University and Exeter College, which outlines the various career options offered in engineering by the respective parties, will be distributed to students and teachers attending the event.

Exeter College Assistant Principal, Iain Hatt, said “Engineering has, and always will, play a pivotal role in shaping the local and global economy and the College recognises the challenges to educate more students in this key subject area. The Future Engineers event is just one of the ways we want to ensure that young students are inspired to consider engineering as an exciting career path. We have recently achieved STEM assured status for our quality of Science, Maths and Engineering provision and this, together with our investment in state of the art facilities at our new technology centre and valued industry partnerships ensure we provide outstanding teaching , learning and training opportunities to the engineers of the future.”

Ms Hepburn concludes: “The overall aim of Future Engineers is to inspire young people and encourage them to view engineering as an attractive career option, particularly within the aviation sector. It offers solid, well-paid career progression to sought-after engineering graduates. We are all looking forward to inspiring their imagination and their future studies – and to sending their engineering ambitions soaring!”