Glad rags and hand bags triumph for Exeter College shoe designers

Two Exeter College Fashion & Textile students are celebrating scooping first and second prize in a footwear design competition which took place on Ladies Day at The Royal Bath & West Show.

The highly unusual fashion competition which was initiated by Michelmores solicitors and supported by Clarks and the Royal Bath & West Society, was designed to celebrate 60 years of British style on the theme 'Field to Fabulous' and called for entries that innovatively reflect British rural fashion.

Stephanie Kent's winning entry earned her two weeks work experience at Clarks and a Mulberry Bayswater handbag worth nearly £700 while runner up Dulcie Horn won a week long work experience shadowing the team at Tres Chic, the South West's most popular fashion magazine.

The panel of judges included Rose Jones, Business Unit Women's Design Manager at Clarks, Sally Rice, Partner, Michelmores solicitors and Anna White on behalf of The Royal Bath & West Society.

Sally Rice said: “We are long-standing supporters of county shows and the agricultural community in the South West but are more familiar with sponsoring livestock breeds rather than fashion and design.

“However, as part of our involvement at the Royal Bath and West Show this year we saw an opportunity to continue our support, promotion and encouragement of the Universities and Colleges of the South West and the talent they are working hard to develop. There were some fantastic entries and Exeter College has every right to be very proud.”

Fashion and Textile Tutor at Exeter College, Michelle Moinzadeh, added: “My students all had a great day at The Royal Bath Show and were delighted to be shortlisted and selected for first and second prizes. I would like to thank Michelmores for a wonderful day and the organizers for the fantastic opportunities for Stephanie and Dulcie.”