A Performance fit for a Queen

Music , Performing Arts, Hair and Beauty students had something to celebrate as their talents were on show for an audience of a lifetime when HRH Queen Elizabeth and the Duke Of Edinburgh had front row seats to watch them perform “Don't sit under the apple tree”, accompanied by a 1940's-inspired and costumed dance routine in the centre of Exeter.

The Queen was in Exeter as part of her Diamond Jubilee tour and stopped off at Princesshay to watch the students demonstrate their talents to a crowd of thousands enjoying the rare spring sunshine. The performance was particularly relevant as the piece was a hit during World War 2, when the Queen began her duties, and again in 1952 when she became Queen – so the college students ensured the costumes, make-up and hair were all authentic to ensure a sparkling performance.

The Queen in Princesshay

The Princesshay Shopping Centre was transformed into a massive stage that saw the 30 strong Inspirational Choir and 26 strong Big Band entertain the waiting crowds before the Queen arrived at 11.30am to the Royal Marine Band playing God Save the Queen. As the Queen took her seat in the VIP stand – which also included the College's Principal, Richard Atkins, Assistant Principal, Anne Oxborough and Chair of Governors, Tim Stapleton the specialist dancers – all 17 of them took to the stage to support the lead vocalists – Fiona, Christie and Monty and the Big Band as they delivered a powerful reminder of a piece of history close to many in the crowd.

After such a rousing performance the crowd then fell silent as the music students took over the performance with Stamitz Trio in G Major which thrilled the audience as the Queen then met Exeter residents and saw a display of the history of Princesshay.

While the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh left the centre of Exeter to continue their visit to the University of Exeter, the Inspirational Choir rejoined the stage to ensure that the party atmosphere continued with a medlay of celebratory songs.

Judy Lye-Forster head of faculty commented “Each year the media and performing art students put on lively and challenging performances at the Barnfield as part of their final musical performance and this year we're focusing on preparing for Pippin. This didn't stop us however jumping at the invitation to perform in front of the Queen as part of her Jubilee celebrations – what a coup and our teams did brilliantly under such pressure. This was a real team effort since our hair and beauty students were up early this morning helping to prepare our performing arts groups to really look the part in front of the Queen and the crowds it's not just the musical and performing talents that were on show today. “

Click here to see photos from the event