FOR SOME of the staff at Beacon Heath Children’s Centre, their earliest memory of colleague Jessie Ley, or ‘Jess’, was in her nappies.

So when she returned two years ago asking if they would take her on as an apprentice child care worker with Sure Start while she completed her NVQ Level 2 and 3 in Children’s Care, Learning and Development at Exeter College, they were happy to oblige.

Having now gained her Advanced Apprenticeship in Child Care, it’s celebrations all round.

Not only is she to be taken on as a Sure Start employee, she could also stand to win the 2010 Heinemann and Nursery World Childcare Student of the Year title next week, having made it as one of the last four out of hundreds of nominations nationwide.

Jess will attend the final of the prestigious competition in Oxford on Thursday, July 1, where Marion Dowling, President of The British Association for Early Childhood Education, will be presenting prizes. There, she will be given a short task to complete before meeting childcare author Penny Tassoni and Nursery World Editor Liz Roberts.

Excited about having come so far in this year’s competition, the former St James School pupil, aged 18, of Exeter, says: “I wasn’t aware of being put forward for it, so when I found out I was in the final 10, I was amazed. Now I know I’ve reached the last four, I’m really excited.”

Thanking Exeter College and Sure Start for their role in helping shape her career, she continues: “I love my job. I went to Beacon Heath Children’s Centre when I was a child, so it is nice to be working with some members of staff who supported me and my family, and I love being able to help the parents and children who use it now.

“I have lots of happy memories of coming to the Centre as a child. Some of the friends I made there, I then went to school with, and they are still my friends today.”

She adds: “Susan Bright is a brilliant teacher and is fantastic at her job. I wouldn’t be here today without her help. I’m very grateful to her, and I’d recommend this course to anyone if they have a passion for working with children like I do.”

No stranger to award-winning since deciding to pursue a career in child care, Jess has already picked up two in-house titles at Exeter College in the last 12 months – Faculty of Health, Care & Public Services Childcare Apprentice of the Year 2009, as voted for by staff, and Childcare Student of the Year 2009, as voted for by her course peers.

Exeter College tutor Susan Bright says: “Jess took to her studies and her work with Sure Start straight away. When I paid my first visit to her on placement, even though she had only been there a few weeks and was still only 16 at the time, she seemed to have a natural ability to work with families and children – so much so that parents were coming up to me and telling me how lucky they felt to have Jess with them.

“In terms of its kudos, Nursery World really is the trade magazine for our profession, so this really is the award to have. To have reached as far as the finals, therefore, is a huge achievement for Jess and I am absolutely delighted for her.”

Sure Start Beacon Heath’s Centre Lead Ann Brandrick continues: “I knew Jess when she attended the centre as a child. She came back for work experience when she was a student at St James School and told me then that she wanted to work at the Children’s Centre when she left school, so I was delighted to receive her application. Jess has been a joy to work with and has grown in confidence and expertise over the last couple of years, making her a huge asset to our team.”

Speaking on behalf of staff at the Whipton Children’s Centre, where Jess has also been working with Sure Start during her apprenticeship, Early Years Lead Lesley Crook adds: “Jess is a local girl who has been able to use this to her advantage, offering families empathy and support. She is a bright, bubbly young woman who has been an asset to our Children’s Centres’ Childcare team.”

The Children’s Centres at Beacon Heath, Whipton, Clyst Vale, Heavitree and Polsloe are managed by the children’s charity Action for Children.