RAPUNZEL is not the only person to let her hair down once in a while, and last night it was certainly time for hard-working Hospitality, Hair & Beauty Students at Exeter College to do the same.

As the end of their academic year draws near, they were celebrating student success stories during their own faculty awards night with prizes ranging from sparkling silver trophies to useful books, hair products, beauty kits and even a relaxing foot spa – many of which had been kindly donated by our suppliers and companies.

Full-time students, apprentices, and adult learners collected awards before an applauding audience of staff, fellow students, and friends in the College restaurant, @34, at the 2010 Faculty of Hospitality, Hair and Beauty Annual Celebration of Achievement.

Guest prize presenters included Julien Wilkinson for Hospitality, from Abode restaurant in Exeter, Peter Winch for Hairdressing, from Headstart salon in Exeter, and Kelly Potter for Beauty, from Eden day Spa in Exeter.

The evening opened with Pimms and canapés, followed by a welcome address from the Head of Faculty, Tricia Pugsley.

Julien Wilkinson, General Manager at Abode – the flagship restaurant of Exeter College alumni Michael Caines MBE – opened the ceremony and presented the prizes for hospitality.

Julien congratulated the award winners on their success and said how delighted he was at the very high standard of training in the faculty.
He added: “The facilities are exceptional and provide all learners with the very best educational experience linked to the needs of industry and employment.”

After Peter Winch and Kelly Potter had also presented prizes, to Hairdressing, Beauty and Spa Therapy award winners, Assistant Principal Rob Bosworth rounded off the evening by congratulating all award winners and thanking the guests and faculty staff for their support.

Speaking later, Tricia said: “I speak for every member of our faculty when I say that celebrating the success of our learners at this very special annual event, with invited guests and key members of our industry, is wonderful.

“We are immensely proud of our learners and delighted their hard work, determination and high level of skill is rewarded and recognised with these awards. We value our positive relationship with our employers and thank them for their partnership and support throughout the year.”

She continued: “We recognise our learners could not achieve without our valuable clients and customers, who regularly visit our restaurant @34, and the h2b salons and clinics. We look forward to welcoming them back in September.”