Find out about degree-level courses at Exeter College
STUDENTS can find out more about studying university-level courses at Exeter College next week.
The Higher Education and Access Open Morning is held on Tuesday, March 31, at the college’s main Hele Road site.
Visitors will have a chance to meet tutors and current students, see the college’s facilities and find out about all degree-level and access courses on offer.
The morning starts at 10am with a welcome talk followed by a higher education lecture in prospective students’ preferred subjects at 10.30am.
There will also be refreshments and a chance to meet other potential degree-level students, with the event finishing at 1pm.
Degree-level courses are offered by Exeter College in art and design, engineering, sport, leisure and tourism, construction, business, law and finance, health, care and public services, education and music, media and performing arts.
The courses are run in conjunction with the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth and University College Marjon.
To find out more, visit or ring 0845 1116000.