£185,000 cash boost for mobile learning at Exeter and Bicton Colleges

WORK-BASED students from Exeter and Bicton Colleges are to benefit from an £185,000 cash boost for new mobile digital devices.

The ‘Flip IT’ project seeks to transform the learning experience of vocational learners with limited access to IT and create stronger links between industry and the classroom.

Both colleges have been awarded a total sum of £185,000 for the joint scheme from the Mobile Learning Network (MoLeNET). MoLeNET is an organisation which supports and promotes mobile learning in the further education sector by part funding mobile learning projects.

The money will enable devices such as palm top devices, video cameras and Ultra Mobile PCs to be bought for work-based learners from the two colleges.

It will also go towards paying for increased wireless network provision at Exeter College’s main Hele Road site and Bicton College’s engineering workshops.

Learners studying Childcare, Care, Hospitality and Land Based courses will benefit – subjects which are the Government’s prioritised skilled sectors.

Agriculture and Engineering work-based learners within rural areas of Devon will be issued with Ultra Mobile PCs and provided with wireless access, enabling face to face contact with tutors and access to learning material through connection to the Bicton College network.

Bill Pearson, Learning Technology Manager at Bicton College, said: “This research project is a fantastic opportunity to reach out across the county using mobile technology to enhance and enrich work-based learning students’ experiences.

We will be able to provide one to one tutorial support for our learners whilst they are in the workplace. The technology will enable them to record and share work practices with fellow students around the county.”

Susan Bright, project manager and Advanced Practitioner in Work Based Learning at Exeter College, said: “This innovative pilot project aims to widen participation and improve achievement for learners in rural communities and non-technology based vocational areas.

“Through the use of equipment such as UMPCs, PDAs, Mini Video Cameras and Digi-notepads, we are aiming to provide flexible opportunities for teaching and learning that are fit for purpose, demand-led and seamlessly fit with the business environment.

“The Flip IT Project will provide, mobile, collaborative and personalised learning opportunities not only to benefit learners, but also staff in the skills sectors in using these mobile devices.”

Rob Bosworth, Assistant Principal for Skills at Exeter College, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for work-based learners in Exeter and countywide and an illustration of how Exeter College and Bicton College compliment each other.

“This is one of many collaborative projects we have underway and the partnership of Exeter College and Bicton College goes from strength to strength.”

Earlier this year Exeter and Bicton Colleges announced a new partnership to work more closely together to benefit learners.