Adult Learning

Reignite your future

We are passionate about helping adults to achieve their education goals, develop new skills or even land a dream job. Whenever you come to us in life, and no matter what your current qualifications are, we can help get you on the right learning path or into the career you want.

We have a wide variety of options to choose from. Our professional and technical adult courses focus on skills that can be applied directly to the workplace or further study, giving you the knowledge to pursue a career in your chosen area. Adult Essential Skills courses can be the perfect way to open new doors and develop skills that are needed for success in work, learning and life. We also have a range of leisure courses to help you Find your Happy!

Not sure where to start?

Contact our Adult Advice Hub now with any questions you might have about adult learning with Exeter College.
Email, click here to book an appointment or call 01392 400170.

What we offer for adults

Professional courses

Our professional and technical adult courses focus on skills that can be applied directly to the workplace or further study, giving you the knowledge to pursue a career in your chosen area. Types of courses on offer include accountancy, adult care, hair and beauty and leadership and management and so much more. Many of our courses have funded places available.

Access to Higher Education

Student in a science lab

An Access course is a one year course for adult learners looking to progress to university level study. We offer a range of access courses that help you get to university. Click here to find out more.

Higher Technical Education

Two students looking at a robot

We offer a range of Higher Technical Education courses through partner universities and awarding bodies but taught here in Exeter. We are committed to providing high quality technical education that meets the needs of students, employers and industry. Click here to find out more.

Community learning

Exeter College works in partnership to deliver community-based adult learning opportunities helping to empower and transform the lives of people who find it hardest to engage. Click here to find out more.

Leisure courses

Discover a new hobby, spark creativity or learn new skills with a day or evening adult leisure course with Exeter College Community Learning. Join us to unwind and dedicate time doing something that helps you to Find Your Happy. Browse leisure courses.

Adult Essential Skills

We offer GCSEs to adults in English, Maths and Biology. This can be the perfect stepping stone to an Access course, or kick start the change in career you’ve always dreamed of. English and Maths are offered FREE to adults who don’t already have a C grade or above. Click here to find out more.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Students in a class smiling

Do you want to improve your English Language skills? English courses (two semesters per year) are available at all levels from beginners to advanced, and there are dedicated short courses to help you prepare for international exams. Click here to find out more.

Teacher Training

Exeter College delivers a full range of teacher training and assessor training. The qualifications are mostly based on practice; this means that for most of the qualifications you need to already be working in the sector. Browse courses.

Green Skills

Green skills courses developed by members of the Green Construction Advisory Panel (GCAP) and industry bodies with the ambition to ambition is to educate the current and future workforce to adapt to emerging technologies, consider the environmental impact and how industry can meet net zero targets. Find out more.

Supportive staff

Achieve your goals with smaller class sizes and friendly tutors and lecturers dedicated to helping your achieve success.

High quality teaching and learning

Exeter College is Ofsted Outstanding and you will be supported in your studies by specialists in their field.

Focus on progression

Our professional courses have a clear line of sight to industry thanks to our strong links with employers.

Already know what you want to do?

Apply now online by clicking on the button below.

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